Location,TX 77056,USA
(281) 860-2042

PHMA® Medical Match Explanation

The Pet Health Matching Account (PHMA®) is a pet medical savings program designed exclusively to pay for veterinary expenses. You will choose from our five different monthly contribution options ranging anywhere from as low as $84 per month to as high as $259 per month (not including maintenance fees) that will be able to fit into any family’s monthly budget. Once you have selected the product of your choosing, the PHMA® medical match that you receive each month that is added to your monthly contribution will continue to grow until you are receiving access to an average of up to $2 or more in pet medical matching for every $1 that you pay into your PHMA® on a monthly basis as the program progresses. Each of the five PHMA® products that are available for you are all designed to grow to a target pet medical cap of your choosing over 35 months if you do not use your balance. The PHMA® monthly medical match above and beyond what you contribute is so strong that you can certainly use your PHMA® as much as you would like along the way to reaching your target medical cap while you still save money on your out-of-pocket, pet health expenses.

This sample illustration below demonstrates how the PHMA® 10000 plan with a $150 per month contribution grows to its target cap level over a 35-month period. Over this 35-month period, the match awarded to the participant’s monthly contribution is so strong that $5,250 of contribution can create a $10,000 PHMA® pet medical balance to use to pay for your pets’ veterinarian costs (assuming no prior usage of the card before 35 months). Once participants reach their target medical caps, which in this case is $10,000, they are no longer responsible for making a full, monthly PHMA® contribution (and only maintenance fees are required) until they use their PHMA® to pay for a subsequent pet medical expense.

And what happens when you do pay for a pet health care expense using your PHMA® after you have allowed it to build up? In this example, showing a large, $4,600 pet medical expense being paid after the pet owner reached their target pet medical cap of $10,000, the PHMA® guaranteed monthly match will replenish that $4,600 for only $1,650 of additional contribution over 11 months. That translates to nearly a 3:1 pet medical match just in this one example to return your plan back to its target medical cap. The PHMA® creates additional pet health care savings for pet owners that would have never been possible before in addition to providing the security blanket and peace of mind that pet owners like you are desperately seeking and will appreciate for any future, unforeseen pet medical expenses that you might incur.

The PHMA® is not pet health insurance.